Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chapters 5 & 6

Chapter 5 - Magazines

Please answer the following questions before class on Monday, September 15th. Your responses should be in your own words - do not copy straight from the text book.

What can be said about the socioeconomic and educational levels of magazine readers?

What were the contributions of Ida Tarbell? Harold Ross? Henry Luce? Hugh Hefner?

Why are some media critics concerned about chain owners in the magazine industry?

Chapter 6 - Sounds Recordings

How was the recording industry threatened by Napster and similar software?

What is the purpose of labeling objectionable music? Does labeling accomplish its purpose?


Anonymous said...

Michael Pulliam

1) It seems that the people who buy more magazines have a higher income than the National level. Those same people are also usually have a high level of education.
2) Ida Tarbell, professional ‘Muckraker’, in 1902 wrote a 19-part series on the Standard Oil Monopoly for McClure’s. Harold Ross of the New Yorker pushed writers to be thorough and dealt with Personality Profiling. Henry Luce created Life and co-found Time and with Life he coined the term photo essay. Hugh Hefner is the creator of Playboy and introduced the modern Q-A format.
3) Chains are bad in the same way all mass media chins are a problem. It is a problem because it shifts content away from serving the readers in a broad cultural sense to serving corporations’ narrow economic interests.

Sound Recordings-
1) Napster was amazing and CD’s were selling better because of them. The company’s didn’t like Napster making money, or the possibility that Napster could start making them lose money.
2) Labeling the music allows the company itself to saw what is and what is not objectable music, leaving them in power with their work. For this purpose and for avoiding many issues involving upset customers or parents, it succeeds in it’s purpose.

Anonymous said...

ch. 5-Magazines
1.) People who read magazines tend to make more money then non-readers and when comparing readers to non-readers the readers have a higher education.

2.)Ida Tarbell, Harold Ross, and Hugh Hefner all tried to change something, Ida wrote on an oil monopoly, Harold tried to push his writers to use more throughness and Hugh changed the Q-A. Henry Luce started a new magazine in 1923that summarized news but readers found it enjoyable.

3.) because they don't want any outside ideas, thaey want to conrol everything within their own company.

Ch. 6-Sound Recordings
1.) People were going online and swapping music for free instead of buying cd's which caused the recording industry's sales to go down.

2.) So that kids don't do what is being said in the lyrics like drugs for example. I don't think that labeling accomplish it's purpose because kids still get the music. It could be from the internet, friends or their own parents.

Anonymous said...

1. People who have a higher educatoin level tend to read more magazines.

2. Contributions were made by the following:

Ida Tarbell exposed Standard Oil written as a 19-part series.

Harold Ross pioneered the personality profile.

Henry Luce is the founder of Time magazine.

Hugh Hefner created the modern question and answer. And is also the founder of Playboy.

3. Some media critics are concerned about owners in the magazine industry because they want their ideas to stay centralized not changing any of the content.

1. The recording industry was threatened by Napster and similar software because you could download an artists work for free. In return they were not making a profit.

2. The purpose of labeling objectionable music is to inform people of the its content. I suppose it serves a purpose but children still have means of obtaining the content. All they have to do is type in a group on and up it pops!


Anonymous said...

Nicole Estes


1)People who buy a lot of magazines have a higher income, hence having a higher level of education.

2) Ida Tarbell contributed to long-form journalism by exposing the Standard Oil monopoly. Harold Ross developed the personality profile. Hugh Hefner developed a new format to question and answer questions that is still used today. Henry Luce developed the term "photo essay". He was also the founder for Time magazine, and then later, Life magazine.

3)Media critics are concerned with chain owners in the magazine industry because the chain owners only focus on their corporate interests.

Ch. 6

1. The recording industry was threatened by Napster because people could download the song for free. They didn't need to run out and by the c.d. anymore, so a lot of music stores shut down and the recording industry wasn't receiving the money from record sales.

2. The point of labeling objectable music helps the record company in many ways. By labeling a song or entire album, record companies avoid confrontation or perhaps even law suits from angry parents, so yes it accomplishs its purpose.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 5
1. Generally, most people read magazines. However, the average reader has a slightly higher income and the more education they have, the more likely they are to read a magazine.

2. Ida Tarbell wrote a series on the Standard Oil monolopy for McClure's Pioneer muckraking magazine in 1902. Harold Ross came up with a personality profile that contained a question/answer format. Hugh Hefner refined this form and added long form profiles.

3. Parent companies serve their higher corporate agenda by manipulating the content of the work

Chapter 6
1. Napster was making all the money; people didn't have a need to have the hard copy of music they listen to.

2. The purpose of labeling objectionable music is to prevent the younger generation from learning things they shouldn't know. They say that bad lyrics cause broken homes, parental abuse, and teen pregnancy. I don't think it has as big of an effect as it could. The younger generations still hear things they shouldn't, but at least the labels could prevent if the parents step in.

rachel said...

1. The magazine readers' education is more advanced...but even the not so smart people can understand most magazines.

2. Ida Tarbell wrote McClure's 19-part series on the Standard Oil business. Harold Ross came up with the "personality profile." Hugh Hefner took a different approach to magazines, introducing Playboy.

3. Some media critics are concerned about chain owners in the magazine industry because they want to be in control, which is understandable.

1. The recording industry was threatened by Napster and other such free music downloading sponsors for the obvious reason...the record companies and artists weren't getting any money.

2. Labeling objectionable music is used as a warning, obviously. however, I don't think that it accomplishes it's "purpose" in a sense of reverse-psychology....if you're told not to listen to something, you want to listen to it more.


Anonymous said...

chapter 5

1)when I look at who reads magazines it seems that almost everyone reads magaizines whether it be a high school girl or and middle age man almost everyone reads magazines. but in the books it shows that have a greater income than others and are also higher educated. I dont know if that is actually true though. becuase I see most peole that are reading magazines are people that are in highschool or in college.

2)Ida Tarbell wrote a 19 part series on the Standard Oil monopoly for McClure's. Harold Ross was a gentleman who invented an in depth personality profile. Henry Luce was the inventor of the Time. Hugh Hefner was the founder of Playboy.

3) Media critics are concerned about chain owners in the magaizne industry because it takes the interest away from the readers because some owners are only worried about their interests.

chapter 6

1) the recording industry is really threatened by those softwares because it is taking money away from the singers and songwriters.

2) labeling helps kids not do or act on what the music is saying. such as eminems lyrics where very riduculed for all of the things that he talked about such as killing many of his family members I dont think it helps very much because many children still get the music sometimes even from their parents.

Nicole RIchards

TravisHarmony said...

Travis Harmony
Mass Communications

Chapter 5
1) People who read magazines are usually of the higher income class and have a higher education than other readers.

2) Ida Tarbell was one of the first reporters to use muckraking, and from this she exposed Standard Oil in 1902. Harold Ross pioneered the personality profile which was an in-depth biographical article. Henry Luce was the founder of TIME and later on LIFE, both of these magazines changed magazines forever, and TIME was the first newsmagazine. Hugh Hefner was the creator of PLAYBOY and from this magazine he created the modern Q-A.

3) Because chains usually just create chaos and don't necessarily do the best for the readers.

Chapter 6
1) The recording industry was threatened by Napster and other similar software because it gives people the ability to share music globally without paying for it.

2) The purpose of labeling music is so that people whom are buying the music know whats on it beforehand. I believe it does accomplish its purpose because some parents may not want their children listening to explicit lyrics.